16. elokuuta 2019, 09:00
16. elokuuta 2019, 12:30
Did you know that about 70 % of all jobs are hidden? The goal of this training is to learn how to network and search for hidden jobs. You will learn the basics of networking offline and online and how to create and use networks in an active job seeking process. In the training, participants learn how to use social media (such as Linkedin) in networking and finding jobs. Participants get more information on how to find and contact interesting employers in Finland. Participants will get practical information about how to start networking and searching for hidden jobs in Tampere/Pirkanmaa region.
- How to search and apply for hidden jobs?
- How to network online and offline?
- Social media for job seeking
- The basics of using LinkedIn for networking
Location: Pirkanmaa TE Office, Pellavatehtaankatu 25, Tampere, Sertinki, 1st floor.
Please submit your registration to the training through the link below. You will receive the confirmation of your participation by email. The registration is binding.
Registration for the training
If the group is already full, check the next suitable training where you could participate in and register for that. The material used in the training is owned by Spring House Ltd. and will not be distributed to the participants.