13. syyskuuta 2019, 10:30
13. syyskuuta 2019, 12:30
Location: Valmet Automotive, Autotehtaankatu 14, Uusikaupunki
Want to become a Car Plant Hero (Autotehtaan Sankari)? Come and visit the plant and find out about the job opportunities!
Learn how a modern car manufacturing plant works! Lots of work opportunities, recruitment trainings, meet the foremen and recruiters plus you will get to go to the manufacturing area and see how the cars are made through various stages. Presentations at this event will be in English.
One Pestuumarkkinat event is for max 80 visitors and the bus can take max 60. TE-office organizes free transportations from various locations to the car plant and back. Register with your name and contact information and also where you are going to come on board. Even if you decide to arrive with your own vehicle, you must register in advance. Please answer the additional questions also!
Registration for Pestuumarkkinat 13.9.2019 14-16 EVENT CANCELLED!
Registration will close the day before at 11:45.
You will get confirmation by email. Through that email you'll be able to modify your given information or cancel your registration if necessary. We inform you about possible transportation changes primarily via email.
Car Plant Heroes -website
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