12. lokakuuta 2019, 10:00
12. lokakuuta 2019, 11:00
TE-palvelut Messi Kuopio (Kauppakeskus Apaja) and www.messilive.fi
Have you thought about starting a business in Kuopio Region?
Welcome to join in discussion and ask information about how to set up a business in Kuopio. You will also hear experiences from an entrepreneur that have set up their business in Kuopio.
Take part on MessiLive.fi broadcast and ask more about the jobs either at TE-palvelut Messi Kuopio (Kauppakeskus Apaja) or follow broadcast at Messi Iisalmi (Karjalankatu 3, Iisalmi), Messi Varkaus (Wredenkatu 2) or follow at MessiLive.fi -site, Youtube -channel or Facebook page and ask questions through chat box.