- Tjänster som berör arbetstillstånd
- Työnhakija
- Työnantaja
- Tjänster som berör arbetstillstånd
- Aloittava yrittäjä
- Lomautettu
- Maahanmuuttaja
- Ammatinvalinta ja uraohjaus
- Asioiden käsittelyajat
- Utlänningars plockande av vilda bär och andra naturprodukter i Finland
- Foreigners picking wild berries and other natural products in Finland
- การเก็บผลไม้ป่าและผลผลิตจากธรรมชาติอื่น ๆ ของชาวต่างชาติในประเทศฟินแลนด์ (thai)
- Інформація для іноземців, що займаються збором натуральної ягоди та іншої дикорослої продукції у Фінляндії (ukraina)
- Сбор лесных ягод и другой дикорастущей продукции иностранными гражданами в Финляндии (venäjä)
- Asiakaspalvelumalli
- Aktuellt
- Evenemang
- Kontaktuppgifter
- Lokala tjänster
- Norra Österbottens arbets- och näringsbyrå
- Norra Österbottens arbets- och näringsbyrå
- Norra Österbottens arbets- och näringsbyrå
- TE-live
- Norra Österbottens arbets- och näringsbyrå
- Norra Österbottens arbets- och näringsbyrå
- Norra Österbottens arbets- och näringsbyrå
- Työkykykoordinaattorit
- TE-palvelut siirtyvät kuntiin 1.1.2025
- The transfer of TE Services to the municipalities
- Vår kundservice
- Samservicekontor
- För samarbetspartners
- Dataskyddsbeskrivningar
The transfer of TE Services to the municipalities will take place on January 1, 2025
The transfer of TE Services (i.e. public employment services) to the municipalities will take place on January 1, 2025. TE Offices will close, and the majority of the services, currently provided by the TE Offices, both for individuals and businesses, will be transferred to the municipalities.
So, starting from January 1, 2025 your municipality will provide the services for you.
Your customer relation matters will automatically be transferred to the municipal services without any action needed on your part.
How does the reform affect TE Office's personal and business customers?
You can manage your customer account and matters related to your situation during 2024 as usual. Your customer account is automatically transferred to the municipal employment authority starting January 1, 2025 without you needing to be concerned about the continuity of services.
On January 1, 2025 there will be changes to service points, service channels, and to the contact information. This due to the fact, that some of the current TE Office service points will be closed and services will be transferred to the nearest municipal service point. Updates regarding these changes will be provided through the TE Office’s communication channels and on this website.
Job Market Finland (tyomarkkinatori.fi/en/) will remain the main online service for jobseekers and business customers, there you can electronically e.g. register as a jobseeker or manage matters related to your situation.
What should I know about the closure of TE Offices?
Answers to frequently asked questions can be found on our FAQ page (in Finnish).
Where will I find information about services in the future?
Job Market Finland will remain the key online service where you can manage matters related to your situation electronically.
Information on municipal employment services will be available on municipal websites by the end of this year. We will update this page with links to the municipalities' websites as they become available.
In the employment area of Oulu region, the services are organized in cooperation with Hailuoto, Ii, Kempele, Liminka, Lumijoki, Muhos, Oulu, Pudasjärvi, Tyrnävä, Utajärvi and Vaala.
Ylivieska, Kalajoki and Nivala form an employment area, which also includes Alavieska, Merijärvi and Sievi.
Raahe region's employment area consists of Haapajärvi, Haapavesi, Kärsämäki, Oulainen, Pyhäjoki, Pyhäjärvi, Pyhäntä, Reisjärvi, Siikajoki, Siikalatva and Raahe.
Taivalkoski and Kuusamo are part of the Kainuu-Koillismaa employment area together with Kajaani, Hyrynsalmi, Kuhmo, Paltamo, Puolanga, Ristijärvi, Sotkamo and Suomussalmi.
More information:
- Lediga arbetsplatser
- Aktuell arbetskraftsutbildning
- AN-byråernas kontaktuppgifter
- Alla evenemang vid arbets- och näringsbyråerna
- Arbetskraftspolitiskt utlåtande och behandlingstider
- Rysslands invasion av Ukraina
- Att anmäla sig som arbetssökande och arbeta i Finland - Реєстрація шукача роботи та пошук роботи в Фінляндії (toimistot.te-palvelut.fi)
Uppdaterad: 17.10.2024