den 22 augusti 2024, 11:30
den 22 augusti 2024, 12:00
Welcome to this first TE-live episode from the City of Riihimäki in
which we have our guests joining to talk about what business
opportunities Riihimäki provides for entrepreneurs.
Riihimäki is known for its importance as a mainline railway
junction, for its military garrison, and for its history in glass
and glass blowing. Everyday life is easy, safe and functional in
Riihimäki. Due to its diversity, the area has a successful business
environment. Riihimäki is the internationally known capital of
Finnish robotics, where high-level robotics training continues from
early childhood to higher education.
We will hear more more about the opportunities for businesses from
our guests who are Technology and Innovation Director Teemu
Seppälä from the City of Riihimäki and Founders
Saleem Qureshi and Aisha Saleem from Lincoln Method. We
will also watch a video of the CEO Samuel Koivisto from
RTOY and the Founder Dmitrii Spivak from Ondroid
and Robx. Welcome to ask questions from our guests.
More information about the City of Riihimäki can be found here
Watch the live brodcast here.
international talents