How can you stand out in the labour market and attract the right talent, lead employee experience and build a diverse workplace?

Apply now for free IMAGO coaching!

The competition for skilled labour is heating up all over Finland. As population growth slows down and society becomes more diverse, companies need to becoming even more competent in acquiring and keeping skilled workers.

They must be able to find the right people to support business growth and present to them a strong, convincing employer image. High-quality worker onboarding processes must be developed to enable new employees to become part of the work community and use their abilities and skills to achieve shared goals. Having the right management skills for a diverse workforce increases employee retention and promotes employees’ well-being and opportunities to work productively.

The free IMAGO coaching sessions strengthen participants’ competence and understanding of employer branding, diversity-orientated recruitment skills, multicultural and internally strong corporate cultures and employer image development, while also helping the company to identify its own strengths and areas for development as an employer.

The coaching service is now open for applications!

te-updated 08.07.2024