Diversity of working life

As population growth slows down and society becomes more diverse, companies need to becoming even more competent in acquiring and keeping skilled workers. Faced with labour shortages and increasing skill requirements for employees, it is important for companies to be able to attract and keep the best employees. Recruiting employees from other countries can also help companies to meet the needs of a diverse customer base or to build international connections and trade. Well-being and productivity also increases in diverse workplaces when the leadership and corporate culture promote equality and inclusion.

IMAGO helps companies and organisations find the best possible jobseekers and workers

Developing your employer image increases peoples’ interest in finding work within your company or organisation in particular.  By expanding and specifying the profile for their target employee, a company is able to recruit those with the greatest skills and potential from an even more diverse group of jobseekers. As diversity management skills develop, each employee is given the opportunity to succeed in their work and participate in the best possible way to achieving common goals.

IMAGO is a nationwide project coordinated by the Pirkanmaa TE Office. It receives funding from an internationality appropriation administered by the North Savo ELY Centre.

IMAGO implements the Working Life Diversity Programme of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment

The aim of the Working Life Diversity Programme (2021–2023) is to increase the diversity and inclusion of work communities by strengthening their management, recruitment and onboarding expertise. When companies and organisations understand how to benefit from diversity, immigrants are able to obtain work that fits their skills and thus to progress in their careers. The aim is also to increase diversity competence in employer and jobseeker services and in the public sector. The work to promote working life diversity is part of the Talent Boost action plan.

IMAGO is part of the Talent Boost action plan

The Talent Boost action plan aims to improve expertise in acquiring skilled labour and thus facilitate the growth and internationalisation of companies. Faced with a situation where the number of working-age people is decreasing and the population is increasing only through immigration, it is important that companies are able to find skilled labour and expertise both from within Finland’s diverse population and from outside of the country.

The Talent Boost action plan promotes Finland, which is an internationally attractive place to live, study, research, work and invest. The programme not only attracts international talent to Finland but also supports them in the process of settling in and integrating into Finnish society. Coordination of the programme is handled by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education and Culture.

te-updated 30.09.2024