Career Counselling

Career Counselling is a national service that offers you personal, free-of-charge and confidential psychologist's services during different changes in your career. The basis for counselling starts with your own wishes, goals, requirements and opportunities offered by different fields of work. Counselling starts with a psychologist’s interview. After this you can reflect on different perspectives on your situation together.

The psychologist cannot make decisions for you or give you a list of suitable professions. Instead, the psychologist helps you find options and compare them. If necessary, the counsellor will ask you to complete homework tasks that can help you structure your strengths, interests, objectives and personality traits.

The length of the career counselling process varies depending on your needs. Often even one discussion can help you move forward. If needed, you can meet with the psychologist up to three times.

Starting the counselling

The service is available at local TE Offices, at the municipalities and at the nationwide TE phone service.

Find instructions on how to book an appointment to the TE Office:

Career, education and training services at local TE Offices (in Finnish)

If you are a customer of a local government pilot on employment, you can book an appointment for a career guidance psychologist by contacting your municipality of residence. 

Services for job seekers during the local government pilots (

If you are changing your career due to health issues, the pension provider or KELA are to your assistance.

Nationwide Career Counselling

With appointment (service also in English)

Book an appointment with a psychologist for telephone or video counselling. The psychologist will call you at the scheduled appointment. If no times seem available, try again later.

Book an appointment

Check the technical requirements for video counselling before booking.

Remote services via video connection

Helpful resources

Sometimes the service is crowded. Additional assistance about selecting a career:

te-updated 18.08.2023