TMS Projects


Eures Sweden grants support for a job or traineeship for job seekers who are at least 18 years or older. This project is suitable for self-motivated job seekers who already have agreed on a job interview or who have been selected for a job in another European country (EU28, Norway or Iceland). Other requirement is that job seekers must receive/have received mobility support services from EURES Adviser or a Public Employment Officer.

If you have not yet been in contact with Eures adviser or TE Services, please contact us at before you apply for the support.

Application forms and further information (

Applying for the support

Applications are processed by Allianssi Youth Exchanges and BBi Communications Finland Oy. Both of these operators are Eures partners approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. You can choose either one of these two operators; however, below you can read further info on their primary target groups.  If you want to ask about the application process, you can also contact TE Services by email:

Allianssi Youth Exchanges
Allianssi Youth Exchanges (
Primary target group: especially internships and jobseekers between 18-35 years old 

BBi Communications
BBi Communication (
Primary target group: all sectors, but especially health care and ICT sector, jobseekers of all ages

TMS Italy

You can ask for more information by email: or sign up on their website:

TMS Italy (

TMS Germany

EURES Germany offers support for employment contracts, apprenticeship and traineeship placements both in Germany specifically and in Europe in general. You can read further information at the project’s webpages if you are interested to enter

TMS-Project Germany (

If you want to apply for TMS -support, you must be registered with EURES Germany (the International Placement Service of ZAV).  See contact information below.

Contact information
Tel:  +49 228 713 1313
Fax: +49 228 713 1111

You may seek assistance from Your first EURES job project Germany if you are

  • aged 18 or older
  • citizen of an EU country, Norway, or Iceland, and legally resident in an EU country or Iceland or Norway.

Requirements for the employment/traineeship/apprenticeship contract

  • Employment must be covered by social security insurance
  • Working hours must be at least 50 % of the usual working hours
  • The duration of the employment contract should be min. 6 months and the duration of orientation traineeship from 6 weeks 3 months
  • Full pay for apprentices and trainees
  • In Germany the employer is required to pay at least the minimum wage. In other countries payment of wages according to the local employment legislation.

Through the programme it is possible to apply financial support for

  • Job Interview Allowance
  • Relocation Allowance
  • Recognition of qualification
  • Preparatory language course in home country
  • Regarding Germany: in some cases, support for German language course while working
  • Additional Travel Allowance. This extra support is granted if the jobseeker has e.g. disabilities or if the job seekers moves to Germany from the EU outermost regions (like Martinique, Madeira, the Azores, Canary Islands)

Further information about the German labour market and about living and working in Germany 


If you have any questions about TMS-support, you may send an e-mail to: or contact your nearest TE Office.

Local TE Services

Funded by the European Union

te-updated 17.10.2024