Processing of personal data in TE Offices under the Act on the Processing of Personal Data in the Immigration Administration

Section 3 of the Act on the Processing of Personal Data in the Immigration Administration (615/2020; hereinafter referred to as the ‘Act on Personal Data in the Immigration Administration’) contains provisions on the controllers of the case management system for immigration matters (UMA) and the division of responsibilities in UMA-related matters.

TE Offices process personal data in accordance with section 1, subsection 1, paragraph 1 of the Act on Personal Data in the Immigration Administration. The data is processed for the purpose of processing matters concerning foreigners’ entry into Finland, departure from Finland and residence in Finland as well as decision-making and supervision concerning these matters. 

Under section 11, paragraph 8 of the Act on Personal Data in the Immigration Administration, when processing data in the case management system for immigration matters, Employment and Economic Development Offices have the right, notwithstanding secrecy provisions, to obtain free of charge the information necessary for the performance of their duties under the Aliens Act for the purpose of processing this information in the manner referred to in section 1, subsection 1, paragraph 1 of this act from the Finnish Immigration Service, the police, the Finnish Border Guard, Finnish diplomatic missions and Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.

Under section 13 of the Act on Personal Data in the Immigration Administration, Employment and Economic Development Offices have the right, notwithstanding secrecy provisions, to obtain free of charge essential information on natural and legal persons from the parties referred to in section 4 of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999), from private service providers and from representatives of unaccompanied minors for the purpose of processing referred to in section 1, subsection 1, paragraph 1 to perform their duties under the Aliens Act, Nationality Act, Seasonal Workers Act, ICT Act, Act on Researchers and Students, Reception Act, Detention Act and the Integration Act.

TE Offices act as controllers of the data that they have entered in the case management system for immigration matters.

Section 4 of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999), (, in Finnish)

Data protection officer of TE Offices

te-updated 12.03.2024