Frequently asked questions

Your job search and Job Market Finland's 'E-services' section

  • The easiest and fastest way to start your job search is online:

    Log in to Job Market Finland's 'E-services' section (in Finnish)

    Answer the questions on the web service and submit your information. After this, your job search begins immediately.
    You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt that includes the information you submitted and the period for which your job search is valid. You also receive instructions on how to go on from there.

    If you do not have personal banking access codes, a mobile certificate or a smart ID card, see the instructions:

    Registration as a job seeker (



  • Certain antivirus programmes may block the site for Job Market Finland's 'E-services' section and prohibit you from logging in. Please check the program settings, you should be able to whitelist the site so that this problem goes away.

  • You can submit most information related to TE Services through our online service.

  • Log into Job Market Finland's 'E-services' section to check and update your customer data, check the validity of your job search and see if you have any open matters and tasks. Complete the assigned tasks by the deadline.

    Log in to Job Market Finland's 'E-services' section (in Finnish)

  • See detailed instructions on page.

    Lay-offs (

  • Your new address is not automatically updated in the TE Office customer data system. Submit the changed address or other new contact information yourself. You can update your contact information on the Job Market Finland's 'E-services' section or contact the telephone service for personal customers or your local TE Office.

  • When you register as an unemployed jobseeker, we assess your situation based on the information you have provided. The services you need and the activities you have agreed on will be compiled into a plan, which will outline the goals for you job search, the ways in which you will personally promote finding employment, the services you will need and how you will be in contact with the TE Office in the future. You must follow the agreed plan to avoid losing your right to unemployment benefits.

    If the employment plan includes services promoting employment (job search training and career coaching, work or education try-out excluding labour market training, independent study supported by an unemployment benefit, rehabilitative work activities, independent study under the Act on the Promotion of Immigration Integration), the party paying the unemployment benefit may pay an increased amount of benefits for the duration of the service.

    Employment plan (


  • You can report the tasks you have completed as a part of your employment, activation or integration plan online on the Job Market Finland's 'E-services' section.


    Log in to E-services for personal customers. (in Finnish)

te-updated 18.10.2024