Frequently asked questions

Open vacancies service

  • TE Services use the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) . Online services only show occupation titles included in the ISCO list. The professional titles on TE Services are categorised according to this classification. Find more information on the ISCO classification on Statistics Finland's website

  • First search for a job. The link to the notification service appears on the page after the search. Try different search criteria. You might receive unnecessary email notifications if you haven't set enough search restrictions.

    Open Vahti on the top menu. Enter the email address to which you’d like to receive notifications and confirm the subscription. You can change the email address later by clicking the link “Tilauksen hallinta (“Manage subscription”) in the email.



  • The position may have already been filled or it may have been removed from the vacancies for some other reason after you have received the notification. If you see the message "The job is not being advertised” after clicking the link, the description of the position is no longer available.

  • Check you subscription on the notification management settings. It is possible that you have selected to receive all notifications. If you only wish to receive the latest notifications, set a restriction on job ads older than 24 hours or 3, 7, or 14 days.

    You might also receive the same job ad several times if the advertisement has been edited; after this the Vahti service treats it as a new advertisement and sends you a notification to your e-mail address.

  • An activation link has been sent to your email before your subscription takes effect. You have to click the link to confirm your subscription; after this it will be valid. If you didn't receive the activation link in your email, check to see if it is in the spam folder.

te-updated 18.08.2023