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null Työpaikkasuomi Language Course Helps to Create a More Functional and Efficient Work Place

Foreign employees will greatly benefit from Finnish skills in work and everyday life. 

It can be argued that language is essential for integration into a foreign country and culture. This statement applies in both professional and personal settings 

"Being able to effectively communicate with one's colleagues, supervisors and clients enhances employee satisfaction, efficiency of the work and work place safety. In addition, a common language helps people to build professional and personal relationships", states Vesa Liesivuori, EURES and international employment services specialist from North Savo Employment and Economic Development Office. 

In Finland, the Employment and Economic Development Office offers a language course called Työpaikkasuomi, which translates to Finnish for work place. Employers can partake in the course when they want to enhance their employyees skills in Finnish. Työpaikkasuomi course ensures that employees will be able to communicate in Finnish both in work place and on free time, regardless of their national background or inital skill level in Finnish. 

Top Quality Language Education 

Työpaikkasuomi language courses are fully tailored to fit the company and the employees' requirements. In North Savo region, the teaching is provided by Savonia University of Applied Sciences. "When I'm planning for lessons, I always take my students' wishes and needs into consideration", says Anne Karuaho, language course instructor and lecturer of Finnish language and communications from Savonia UAS.  

In addition to grammar lessons and learning vital phrases and special terminology in Finnish, the courses usually explore Finnish culture as well. "I've taken students to Prisma supermarket, to coffee shops, museums and to the library. People tend to grasp a language easier, when they have more sources and materials to learn from", Karuaho explains. 

Lecturer Anne Karuaho and Servica Oy's employees at Työpaikkasuomi course.

A Course That Truly Benefits Both the Employee and the Employer 

In North Savo region, one of the companies that has utilized Työpaikkasuomi language course is Servica Oy. The company provided the course for seven employyees, one of whom is Concepcion Ruuskanen. "I've learned a lot of vocabulary and found the courage to speak Finnish more", Ruuskanen tells 

Tuija Mäki, Chief of Staff at Servica Oy states that other employees taking the course have reported similar positive experiences. "Our employees have improved their vocabulary on special terminology and work place Finnish", Mäki explains. "I believe that the course has mutual benefits for both sides. When our employees see that we are willing to invest in training and improving their job satisfaction, their engagement with our company also increases. This way we can retain our employees better." 

Get Työpaikkasuomi Language Course for Your Company 

If a company or its employyees are interested in learning more about Työpaikkasuomi language course, they can to contact Vesa Liesivuori. "The representative of Savonia UAS and I are more than happy to come to your company and discuss about the possibilities this course offers", Liesivuori promises. 

Watch the interview on video

Päivitetty: 17.10.2024