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- Uudenmaan TE-toimiston uutiskirje
- Uudenmaan TE-toimiston välityömarkkinatoimijoille suunnatun viestinnän osoiterekisteri
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- Ammatinvalinnan ohjauksen ajanvaraus Webropol-kyselyllä
- Työkyvyn tutkimus- ja arviointipalvelu
Local government pilots on employment
In the local government pilots on employment, the tasks of the TE Office concerning certain customer groups will be transferred via legislation to the municipality participating in the pilots. Regional pilots started on 1st March 2021 and end on 31st of December 2024.
In the local government pilots, some jobseeker-customers will be transferred to the municipalities participating in the local government pilots, to become their customers, while others will remain customers of the TE Office. When a customer is transferred to the local government pilots, his or her services will be primarily provided by his or her municipality of residence. You will be informed either by letter or in the E-service if you have been transferred to a local employment pilot. You do not need to find out about any changes yourself. Please also note that customer transfers from the TE-office to municipalities can cause delay in processing times and responses.
During the pilots, employer-customers will continue to be offered employer and business services by the TE Office. However, employers should take into account the impacts of the pilots on their services, for example, with regard to applying for pay subsidy.
There are five local government pilots on employment in Uusimaa:
Contact details of the local government pilots on employment in Uusimaa:
Further information on the local government pilots on employment:
Frequently asked questions and answers:
Valtakunnalliset TE-palvelut löydät nyt Työmarkkinatorilta
Päivitetty: 21.10.2024